Friday, 22 June 2018

A Nice Surprise

Well, how lovely. I nipped out on the bike this afternoon for a scheduled 50 mile ride and ended up tagging an extra ten on the end. I started feeling the fatigue and the ol' 'bike seat' feeling towards the end which gave me a taste of what's to come, however I'm not sure how much suffering is healthy in the run up to the ride.

Next weekend I'm away on the Friday so will record a total of zero miles. It's not great timing but I've been consistent up to now and after that weekend I'll be tapering so I'm not concerned by any means. It does mean I may have done my last big ride though. I've got everything I should need already attached to the bike, although there may well be something that I've forgotten and just have to go without. There's nothing like that "I forgot my shoes!" dilemma just before a big run.

I am still swimming but will try to put in a big swim before the ride just to boost my confidence. Injuries are always a worry but swimming is fairly low impact so must be good for me. It must be. Surely.

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